Equipment We Service
1) Autoclaves / Sterilizers
2) Baths and Circulators
3) Centrifuges
4) Environmental Chambers
5) Environmental Monitoring Systems
6) Freezers
7) Lyophilizer
8) Hoods
- Biosafety
- Laminar flow
- Fume Hoods
9) Hypoxia Equipment
10) Ovens and Incubators
11) Pathology Equipment
12) Stability and Photostability Chambers
13) Refrigerators
14) Shakers
15) Washers
16) Animal Ventilated Racks
MFG’s we service:
Allentown I Amsco
Bahson I Baker I Bedcolab I Betterbuilt I Biospherix I Caron I Consolidated I CSZ Despatch I Dickson I Eppendorf I ESCO I
Foster FTS Systems
Haake I Heraeus I Hitachi I Hot Pack I IEC
Labconco I Labline I Labnet I Lancer I
Lauda I LEEC I Lindbergh Blue-M I
Lunaire I Microzone I Miele
Neslab I New Brunswick I Northstar I NuAire
Panasonic I Powers Scientific
Precision/Thelco I Primus Sterilizers I Revco
Sanyo I Scientek I Sheldon I Sorvall I Steris
Tenney Environmental I TestEquity
Thermo-Forma I Thermolyne
Thermotron I Tuttnauer I VWR I Weiss,

Equipment We Sell and Service:

Controlled Environment Chambers
Walk In Chambers
Thermo Shock Chambers
Laboratory Equipment
Biological Safety Cabinets
Laminar Flow Hoods
Hypoxia Chambers
Sterilizers / Autoclaves
Laboratory Autoclaves
Biomedical Waste Autoclaves
NC3 Autoclaves
Dental and Medical

Pathology Equipment
Ventilated Autopsie Tables
Ventilated Dissection Tables
Ventilated Specimen Tables
Ventilated Grossing Stations
Refrigerated Body Store
Ventilated Specimen Stores
Animal Research Equipment
Cage & Rack Washers
Bottle Filling Station
Bedding Dispensers
Bedding Disposals
Washer Decontaminator
Automated Washing System
Lab Research Equipment
XVIVO Hoods / Incubators
Hypoxia Systems
Hypoxic Chambers
Glove Boxes
O2 / CO2 Controllers
Lab Research Equipment
Chart Recorders